Trusted Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Attorneys in Ohio

Servicemembers and their families deserve to be treated fairly and housed in a safe environment. As we have recently found out, however, those stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina were exposed to several toxic substances in the drinking water between 1953 and 1987. If you were at Camp Lejeune during this time, you might have a legal right to compensation. Scientists have linked the contaminated drinking water to all sorts of health problems, including cancer and Parkinson’s disease. Contact our Ohio Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer today to find out whether you can submit a claim for compensation.

The Impacts of Water Contamination

Those staying at Camp Lejeune had no idea they were regularly drinking contaminated water. However, in 1982 the government first discovered that water in at least 2 of the 8 water treatment plants were contaminated with volatile organic compounds, including chemicals such as trichloroethylene (a degreaser) and perchloroethylene (a dry cleaning solvent).

These chemicals came from a dry-cleaning company and were at very high levels—thousands of times higher than what the government considers safe for human consumption. The government has also identified other toxic chemicals in the water, including benzene and industrial solvents, that are unsafe to consume. Although they discovered the contamination in 1982, the government waited until 1985 to shut down the drinking wells.

Doctors have linked the toxins in the contaminated water to several medical conditions, including:

Helpfully the government has acknowledged the contamination and is making compensation available to those affected. Under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, victims get a maximum of two years to bring a lawsuit. You will also need to prove certain facts to be eligible:

  • You were stationed at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987
  • You lived at the base for a minimum of 30 days
  • You developed a qualifying condition, such as kidney cancer

In addition to service members, family members and civilian workers might also qualify. Visitors at the base for at least 30 days could also potentially qualify, as could those who were in utero at the time. You might receive disability benefits and Special Monthly Compensation. In fact, thousands of dollars each month could be available if you meet certain criteria.

Do You Need a Lawyer for a Claim?

Yes. There are many benefits to having a lawyer submit your claim. Although the government acknowledges the contamination, they are not automatically approving every applicant for compensation. Instead, they might push back and allege you do not have a qualifying condition or that you were not at the camp during the relevant times.

Our firm can help gather the necessary evidence. The burden is on our clients to show they are eligible to receive compensation. Contact the Oliver Law Office if you want to learn more. We can submit your claim and litigate on your behalf, if necessary. Our Columbus Camp Lejeune water contamination attorney can meet for a consultation if you call today.