Skilled Amputation Injury Attorneys in Columbus, Ohio

Amputations are one of the most traumatic types of injuries a person could suffer. Amputations are also much more common than most people think. In fact, there are approximately 1.9 million people in the United States currently living with a loss of limb. Many times, amputations are caused by the negligent, or careless, actions of another person. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident caused by another person, you can file a claim against them for compensation. Our Columbus amputation injury lawyer can help you do it.

What is an Amputation Injury?

When many people first think of an amputation injury, they often first envision the loss of a limb, such as a leg or an arm. While these types of amputation injuries are common, there are other types, too. An amputation injury is defined as the partial or complete loss of an appendage or limb. Arms, legs, toes, fingers, and ears are all at risk of an amputation injury when someone is involved in an accident. Of all the different types of amputation injuries, those affecting legs are the most common. An amputation of the leg can occur either above or below the knee.

Complete amputation injuries occur when a limb or appendage is completely removed from the rest of the body. A complete amputation can happen accidentally at the scene, or during surgery later when the limb or appendage is so seriously damaged it cannot be saved. A partial amputation occurs when some soft connective tissues are left intact and so, the body part can be saved.

Amputations are some of the most difficult types of injuries to recover from. People typically lose a lot of blood when a body part is amputated. Amputations also greatly limit a person’s mobility, at least for a period of time. In the months, and even years following an amputation injury, accident victims typically require extensive physical therapy.

The Statute of Limitations on Amputation Injuries

If you or a loved one has suffered an amputation due to another person’s negligent actions, you can file a claim against the liable party for compensation. It is critical to understand, though, that you only have a limited amount of time to do so. In Columbus, as throughout the rest of Ohio, the statute of limitations is generally two years from the date of the accident. If you do not file your claim within this time, you will not have any right to file a claim.

Before filing a claim, it is important to seek medical attention and reach a certain level of medical improvement. This is the only way to ensure you recover the current and future damages you deserve. It is important to speak to a Columbus amputation injury lawyer as soon as possible so time does not run out on your claim.

Our Amputation Injury Lawyer in Columbus will File Your Claim on Time

Amputation injuries are very serious, and you should not file your claim alone. At Oliver Law Office, our Columbus amputation injury lawyer can guide you through the process so you obtain the maximum compensation you are entitled to. Call or text us now at 614-220-9100 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.