Dublin Drowsy Driving Lawyer

Anytime a driver is too tired to focus on the road, a drowsy driving crash can occur. Sometimes motorists know that they have been on the road too long and decide to continue driving despite the risks. In other circumstances, a motorist might have failed to get enough sleep the night before and may fall asleep at the wheel without much warning. Regardless of the reasons for a drowsy driving crash, it is important to know that drowsy driving is negligent and the fatigued driver may be liable for injuries in an accident. If you or someone you love got hurt in a drowsy driving crash, you should get in touch with an attorney who can help you to determine whether you can file a claim. Contact our experienced Dublin drowsy driving lawyer today.

Learning About Drowsy Driving in Dublin 

Drowsy driving is extremely dangerous, and the National Safety Council (NSC) emphasizes that drowsy driving may be just as dangerous as drunk or intoxicated driving. Drowsy driving — or fatigued driving, as it is sometimes known — means that a motorist is too tired to focus on the road safely. Annually, about 6,400 people are killed in drowsy driving crashes, and that number may be an underestimate given that it is often difficult to determine with certainty when a driver was too drowsy to drive. A shocking number of adult drivers admit to getting behind the wheel when they are too tired to drive safely, and 1 out of every 25 drivers admits to falling asleep while driving at least once in the last month.

Why is drowsy driving so hazardous? The NSC explains that it slows a driver’s reaction time, reduces a driver’s awareness of hazards on the road, and limits the driver’s ability to focus on the road. In some drowsy driving crashes, the motorist actually falls asleep behind the wheel. According to the NSC, if a motorist gets behind the wheel of a car after being awake for 20 hours or more, that is the equivalent of driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent. In other words, not sleeping and driving can have a physical effect that is similar to an illegal amount of alcohol.

Signs of Drowsy or Fatigued Driving in Dublin, OH 

The following signs of drowsy driving should alert you to the potential of a car accident, and they can also be important for proving that a drowsy driver was too fatigued to drive:

  • Yawning frequently;
  • Having trouble keeping their head up;
  • Difficult remembering the last miles of driving;
  • Missing a turn or exit;
  • Difficulty maintaining speed; and/or
  • Drifting into another lane.

Contact Oliver Law Office Today 

When another driver’s fatigue results in a crash, it is important to hold that motorist accountable. Most drowsy driving accident lawsuits in Ohio must be filed within two years from the date of the accident, so it is important to get in touch with an attorney about your case as soon as possible. Contact our experienced Dublin drowsy driving lawyer today.